Client Management With Your CRM (lead nurturing strategies)
Sunday, 23 March 2014
CRM = Customer Relationship Management Is Your Business Ready for CRM Software? In my humble opinion, every business, big and small, needs some sort of CRM. All businesses have clients to nurture, client needs to accommodate and sales statistics that require tracking. You can not manage a business with post-it notes or spreadsheets. Competition is too fierce, your client requires
- Published in Content Relationship Management, CRM, Internet Marketing, WordPress
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Internal Systems and CRM (Data tracking)
Sunday, 01 September 2013
Internal Systems and CRM We often speak to owners who tell us that they have 90% closing ratios or they get lots of traffic through their website. When asked how they calculate their data, there is no process or software program in place to capture this data. If an owner wants to be successful they
- Published in Content Relationship Management, CRM, Internet Marketing, Systems, WordPress
Your relationship with your peers is important.
Friday, 01 February 2013
Your relationship with your peers is important. Good industry relationships can help you grow as a person and as a firm. Good industry relationships can make managing your firm enjoyable. Bad relationships with peers can distract you and can turn your career into a nightmare. Bad relationships lead to price gauging, lowered industry standards and
- Published in Internet Marketing, Marketing, Relationship Management, WordPress