Do You Have Secret Lead Killers? (Common lead-killing mistakes)
Friday, 14 April 2017
Phone Etiquette Marketing and Sales Tips Do You Have Secret Lead Killers? Every team member answering the phone in your business is part of your marketing team. Having an awesome marketing campaign is not enough. If the first contact your new leads (or current customers) have is with an untrained staff member, your marketing dollars are
- Published in Content Relationship Management, Internet Marketing, Phone Etiquette, Sales Training, WordPress
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Marketing is not for the weak at heart (Marketing strategies)
Wednesday, 01 May 2013
An Aha Moment Once upon a time… When I was new to the marketing game, there was a shiny bright sunny Princess. She was my subordinate in a busy office and displayed a sunny disposition, charm and energy to each customer walking in the door. She smiled often, always helped her co-workers,was eager to learn
- Published in Internet Marketing, Sales Training, WordPress
Remember your ABC’s
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Remember your ABC’s Always – Be – Closing! Translates to ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS. The best marketing campaign in the world can’t help a bad closer. Driving traffic is only part of the equation. Your sales team or maybe it is just you, need to know how to close a deal. Here is are a
- Published in Internet Marketing, Sales Training, WordPress