Remember your ABC’s
Always – Be – Closing! Translates to ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS.
The best marketing campaign in the world can’t help a bad closer. Driving traffic is only part of the equation. Your sales team or maybe it is just you, need to know how to close a deal. Here is are a few tips that will help close the deal.
In general a sale happens when you can find a solution for a potential clients problem or need. Once you have identified the clients need, you can close the deal. If you can’t identify the need – you can’t sell the client, because you don’t know what the client really wants. Asking lots of qualifying questions will help get you where you want to go. Either the client needs your services/product or they don’t. Easy as that. If they don’t, move on to the next client.
Soft Closing Questions: Ask the potential client questions that will lead to the hard close. For Example: Does this sound good to you so far? Is this something that would work for you? Would this [widget] fit into what you are looking for? Would you like the [widget] in blue or green? If the client says no – engage them to explain why. If the colors blue or green don’t work – “what color would you like?” It is a bit like a dance, you need to lead.
Once you identify and satisfy the objections that will come from the soft closing questions, it is time to ask the hard one. “Why don’t you buy [it]?” After a hard closing question is asked – zip your lip. Say nothing. It may become a little uncomfortable, but stick to it. You will get the real objection as to why this client has not pulled out his or her wallet yet or you will close the deal.
GREET – Qualify – CLOSE The recipe for a smooth sales process. Not only will you have happy clients because they purchased something that actually filled their needs – you will feel good about the process.
Don’t be that pushy sales person who does not listen to the client. Ask lots of questions, LISTEN to the answers and get them to YES.
Try this tomorrow and Good Luck… 🙂
“Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman – not the attitude of the prospect.” W. Clement Stone
We’re an agency known for our no-nonsense approach. Just straight talking and smart thinking, delivered by a person who cares about the success of your business.
We are proud to be an affordable internet marketing agency.
Please give us a call for more information. 303-448-8841