The Best Inbound Marketing Advice Ever! (Finding your target audience online)
Friday, 04 April 2014
Let the Big Internet Retailers do your work for you. Cold Calling is For Amateurs! Where does your target audience “hang out”? The best way to have a successful inbound marketing plan is to go where your target customers are. Here is one idea: So let’s say your business is selling staplers. You have the
- Published in Inbound Marketing, Internet Marketing, WordPress
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10 signs of success from a marketing point of view (Effective Marketing Strategies)
Friday, 28 March 2014
How do you know if you are a successful business owner? Some measure success in terms of money. Others use data like number of potential customers, or even receiving prestigious awards. I believe it is more basic than that, a successful Owner knows he or she is successful when customers send you thank you notes,
- Published in Internet Marketing, Marketing, Niche Marketing, WordPress
Your relationship with your peers is important.
Friday, 01 February 2013
Your relationship with your peers is important. Good industry relationships can help you grow as a person and as a firm. Good industry relationships can make managing your firm enjoyable. Bad relationships with peers can distract you and can turn your career into a nightmare. Bad relationships lead to price gauging, lowered industry standards and
- Published in Internet Marketing, Marketing, Relationship Management, WordPress