Let the Big Internet Retailers do your work for you.
Cold Calling is For Amateurs!
Where does your target audience “hang out”?
The best way to have a successful inbound marketing plan is to go where your target customers are.
Here is one idea:
So let’s say your business is selling staplers. You have the best dang staplers on the planet. How do you find people who need the best dang stapler on the planet? (For now, we will leave out (SMM) Social Media Marketing? Do you start calling every office in your area trying to find the customer with a need for staplers? Do you spend thousands of dollars to develop your SEO to optimize the keyword phrase “best dang stapler” in order to begin showing up on the top of the GOOGLE heap? “Heap”being the optimal word here…
What comes up when you do GOOGLE a specific item for purchase? The BIG internet retailers, that’s who. They spend millions of dollars on internet marketing to ensure their client’s items are coming up on top. Everyone wants to be numero uno on Googles search engine, know one cares about the rest. Just don’t spend yourself into the poor house doing it if you don’t have to. Piggyback on the big guys.
Amazon and Ebay are where people go when they think of buying a product online because that is who comes up in the search engines. Your audience is embedded inside Ebay and Amazon. Even if you have a retail store, marketing your wares on Ebay and Amazon not only gets your products sold, but can also provide website recognition, gives you the opportunity to up sell your products, and keeps reminding prospects who were once interested in your products but failed to purchase.
Although you will need to pay attention to the rules, there are many ways to get creative and drive traffic to your website. When it comes to eCommerce there is no beating Ebay and Amazon. They are the best at it. Empty basket syndrome? These giants of ecommerce know how to bring that client back. Want to set your client up for the next sale? Let them do it for you.
If you are in need of a hefty shot of retail revenue or if you want to generate qualified leads RIGHT NOW, open an account today.
It should be obvious that your own website needs to follow their lead. So why not let them do the hard work for you and help teach you eCommerce best practice?
Like they say, “Only the pioneers get the arrows”. No need to reinvent the wheel.
If you have products on Ebay or Amazon right now and they are not selling or you are not generating leads… Call Us!
We’re an agency known for our no-nonsense approach.
Just straight talking and smart thinking, delivered by a person who cares about the success of your business. We are proud to be an affordable internet marketing agency. Please give us a call for more information. 303-448-8841