![marketing-post-image marketing post](https://swobodamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/marketing-post-image-420x280_c.png)
How do you know if you are a successful business owner?
Some measure success in terms of money. Others use data like number of potential customers, or even receiving prestigious awards. I believe it is more basic than that, a successful Owner knows he or she is successful when customers send you thank you notes, customers referral you and maybe even give you hugs.
Take the TEST!
10 signs of success from a marketing point of view.
1. Do customers send you referrals?
Nothing says you are doing things right than getting lots of referrals from your happy customers. Maybe even a few internet reviews also!
2. Do other companies send you referrals?
Successful companies get numerous referrals from other customers. The best companies get referrals from companies in the SAME industry. Are you cultivating these relationships?
3. Do non-companies send you referrals?
Influential people in your community or niche market should have you on their radar and be sending you business. Are you cultivating those people?
4. Do potential customers find you (via search, social, publicity, articles, etc.) through your internet presence?
You should be getting potential customers who find your website through various means and are impressed with your presence. Your website should sell them on your BRAND & taking the next step. What does your website say about your brand?
5. Does the local media seeks you out?
Usually happens because a member of the media finds your website and is convinced you are THE expert for the story they are working on.
6. Do you keep a contact list and you stay in touch?
Most potential customers don’t hire immediately. You need to collect their contact information and stay in touch. You also need to stay in touch with your past and current customers because they are your best source of new business. When is the last time you sent out holiday cards?
7. Do you use strategic marketing alliances?
By leveraging the trust they have with their lists, you get exposed to, and endorsed by, those professionals, which should bring you a steady stream of pre-sold potential customers.
8. Do you fire potential customers?
Successful marketing means you are in a financial position to continually upgrade your customer list. You make room for better potential customers by purging the lowest segments of your customer list (lowest paying, least amount of work, slow paying, complainers, etc.) This is the ultimate test – classify customers into A,B,C who can you remove from your base?
9. Is your life well-balance and do you feel happy?
A well-managed and systematized company will help with both. Chasing bad clients – difficult marketing strategies and “DYI Marketing” wastes your time and robs you of balance.
10. Do other companies ask how you do it? The ULTIMATE Compliment!
So, how did you score? Do you some opportunities for improvement? Do you need our help?
We’re an agency known for our no-nonsense approach.
Just straight talking and smart thinking, delivered by a person who cares about the success of your business. We are proud to be an affordable internet marketing agency. Please give us a call for more information. 303-448-8841