5 Cool Plugins – Look What They Can Do For YOU!
WordPress is no doubt the best Content Management System (aka website) on the planet. It is becoming more and more popular by the day due to Plugins and it’s functionality with other applications (more on that later). Plugins are tools to extend the functionality of WordPress. The core of WordPress is designed to be simple. Plugins offer amazing custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their site to their specific needs. Simply put, they help you to do cool things which coders like to charge a lot of money for. The BEST thing, plugins are normally free or under $50. Today I am sharing with you 5 pretty cool WordPress Plugins.
WordPress Live Chat Plugin for Sales and Support – This plugin will allow you to chat with your customers easily within your website for sales, information and support. There is no need for monthly payments to a third party when you are using this plugin. Just install it and it is ready for business.
Quform – WordPress Form Builder– This plugin will allow you to create multiple forms quickly and easily in WordPress with complete control.
Booking System PRO – This is a plugin that helps in creating appointment systems easily into a WordPress powered blog or website.
MyMail – Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress – This is a feature rich but simple WordPress newsletter plugin that is a powerful solution for creating sending and tracking of newsletter campaigns.
Magic Members – Plugin WordPress – This is a premium membership plugin for WordPress that will allow you to create closed websites that are only accessible to customers that have retained your services. It provides plenty of great features that will totally customize your WordPress site and turn it into premium professional content only for your customers.
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